Legacy: Three Centuries of Black History in Charlotte, North Carolina


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The stories told by many generations of Charlotte’s African American residents mingle strength and hardship, accomplishment and setback, joy and pain. Through slavery, through war, through Jim Crow segregation and into the 21st century Black residents from all walks of life have played essential roles in making Charlotte the city it is today. Everyone needs to know this history.

Grundy’s other works include Color & Character: West Charlotte High and the American Struggle over Educational Equality. The mural on Legacy’s cover, which features early Black leaders Thad Tate, J.T. Williams and W.C. Smith, is by Abel Jackson, one of many Black History murals he has painted around Charlotte.

**Please use the following shipping address for all donations to the Give the Gift of Legacy campaign: Legacy [First Name], Campaign [Last Name], PO Box 42299, Charlotte, NC 28215.

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Pamela Grundy



Publication Date

February 25, 2022

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