The Four Agreements Companion Book: Using the Four Agreements to Master the Dream of Your Life


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The Four Agreements introduced a simple, but powerful code of conduct for attaining personal freedom and true happiness. Now The Four Agreements Companion Book takes you even further along the journey to recover the awareness and wisdom of your authentic self. This companion book is a must-read not only for those who enjoyed don Miguel’s first book, but for anyone who is ready to leave suffering behind, and to master the art of living in our natural state: happiness.

The Companion Book includes:

• How to break the domestication that keeps you enslaved by fear
• Keys to recover your will, your faith, and the power of your word
• Practice ideas to help you become the master of your own life
• A dialogue with don Miguel about living The Four Agreements
• Success stories from people who have used The Four Agreements

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Don Miguel Ruiz



Publication Date

October 16, 2000

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