Shelves Bookstore’s first Reading Is a Lifestyle Christian subscription book picks are finally out in the world and we couldn’t be more excited to serve the body of Christ in such a special way. Like our Adult and Young Adult book subscription options, we picked 3 novels written by Christian authors for our December ’24 Reading Is a Lifestyle Christian book subscription members. One of those books is author Cheyenne Pajardo’s debut romance novel Wren In Doubt. Although Cheyenne was already a published author prior to writing Wren In Doubt, this novel is her first work of Christian fiction. Keep reading to learn more about Cheyenne’s journey to becoming a Christian author.
What inspired you to write Wren In Doubt?
I’m going to be honest and say that I had no idea where I was headed when I wrote my first novel Wren In Doubt. As a writer, it’s always been my goal to not just write a novel but release it into the world. I spent years writing poetry and short story collections, anxious that I’d never have enough words to form a full length manuscript. While producing those works brought me much happiness, I knew I could not only produce more but that I wanted to produce more.
I believe that the Lord directed the entirety of this book. I wrote what I know: Jesus, dance, [and] friendship. What I want more than anything is to tell stories that are relatable. Stories that bring people back to a [specific] time in their lives. I believe that Wren In Doubt does that.
Were there any scriptures that you leaned on during the writing process?
And David danced before the Lord with all his might. – 2 Samuel 6:14
Whenever I find myself in a difficult place whether it be writing or in my day to day, I refer back to 2 Samuel 6:14. I lean on this [Bible] verse because it reminds me that despite the hardships, there’s always a reason to praise [God] and to give thanks for where we are in life.
Who’s your favorite character in Wren in Doubt?
This is a tough one. I’d have to say my favorite character is Hannah. [She’s] one of Wren’s students [who] experiences a lot of turmoil during her teen years. She captures the authenticity of being a teen. Her feelings are big, her attitude is big, but above all, her love is big. She has a hard exterior but she’s mushy on the inside. It takes time to get her to open up but once she does, she wins your heart.
Name one thing you want to accomplish as a Christian novelist?
And they praised God because of me. – Galatians 1:24
I want to bring people to Jesus’ feet. Whether someone is already saved, in the process of being saved, or is nowhere near being saved, I pray that my writing nudges them in the direction of the Lord. After reading my work, I’m hopeful that their eyes avert to Him. Ultimately, anything I produce is already His. It’s only right that the praise and recognition go directly to the Lord.
You can support Cheyenne’s work by purchasing a copy of Wren In Doubt here!